○ Date : 25 Sept. 2019 ~ 26 Sept. 2019
○ Time : 18:00 ~ 22:00
○ Venue : Makerspace G·CAMP (https://eng.g.camp/27)
○ Application : at the Application form at the bottom
○ Tutor : Jorge
※ We will invite you at Slack when you participate for further discussion and topics.
○ If you want to contact me, please put my mobile phone number in your Kakaotalk and talk to me. ( Kitae PARK)
○ content of the workshop for this month,
1.- Arduino IDE and Board Introduction
-IDE installation
-Code structure
-Board features
-Blink and Hello World demonstration
2.- Digital Output I/O
-Coding (Pin Initialization, variables, IF control statements)
-LED & Push-button electronic circuits
-A simple explanation of ohms law
-Controlling LEDs by pressing buttons
3.- Analog I/O
-Code (Pin Initialization, switch statement, functions)
-Potentiometer and photoresistor electronic circuit
-Reading analog values and analog to digital conversion
4.- PWM – Marking an electronic piano and controlling motors
-Code (Pin Initialization, PWM use)
-Buzzer electronic circuit
-PWM and sound theory
-Electronic piano electronic circuit
-Electronic piano code
- Using servo motor
5.- Communication – Using I2C communication protocol to drive a lcd
-LCD RGB explanation
-I2C explanation
-Project Drawing something on the matrix
7.- Integrated Project
-Make a project using reading values from different sensor and display values on the screen and operate servo motor LEDs based on those values
8.- ESP8266 Connecting Arduino to wifi
-Introduction to ESP8266
-Basic ESP8266 configuration
-ESP8266 as a client (obtaining data from web APIs)
-ESP8266 as a server (visualizing data from the Arduino through a web browser
9.- Introduction to Backend development
-Node installation
-Express installation
-Running a webserver from your laptop
-Using Bootstrap to create a user interface
-Displaying sensor data from the Arduino on the web
10.- Make a basic electronic product prototype using the Arduino and make a demo web page of the product.
○ Application form
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