Course Objective
Understanding programming methodologies based on the Tizen Operating system and Tizen enabled hardware platform Anchor3 IoT platform board so that the knowledge can be directly applied to practical application programs.
1. Understanding the Tizen enabled hardware platform and Anchor3 board.
2. Understanding the development environment and procedure with Anchor3 board
3. Understanding the inner structure of Tizen device HAL and Peripheral I/O.
4. Understanding the programming environment and methodologies based on the Tizen.
5. Practice how to control peripherals in on Tizen operating system.
Who Should Learn
This course is designed for training for beginner who develop IoT hardware and software, or engineers who are interested in Tizen operating system.
1. Startup company product designer who want to understand IoT platform based on Tizen.
2. Engineers or student wanting to understand Tizen based application programming.
3. Engineers or student wanting to achieve a more accurate understanding of the Tizen and Tizen enabled hardware platform.
Training Materials
Textbook : Training PPT material
Host for Training : IBM Compatible, Pentium or more upgraded versions
1. OS : Windows 7 or higher or Ubuntu 16.04 or later
2. Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later versions
3. Tizen Studio 3.3 or later
H/W Platform for Training : Anchor3
1. USB Type-C cable : Power & SDB interface (mendatory)
2. Micro USB Type-B cable : Console (optional)
3. USB to Serial module : USB to TTL UART
4. Sensors :
1) PWM motors : PWM interface
2) MPU-9250 triple-axis MEMS gyroscope : SPI or I2C interface
3) ELECHOUSE V3.x Voice Recognition Module : UART interface
Contents (Theory : 5 hours, Practice : 11 hours)
1. Understanding the Tizen enabled hardware and Anchor3.
2. The way and step of setup Anchor3 development environment
3. Understanding and Practice Tizen Studio development environment
4. Practice of Hello application
5. Understanding Tizen Device HAL and Peripheral I/O
6. Understand PWM motor, PWM peripheral I/O API, PWM motor and Practice PWM motor control
7. Understand MPU9250 gyroscope sensor, SPI peripheral I/O API and Practice triple-axis gyroscope
8. Understand ELECHOUSE V3 Voice Recognition, UART peripheral I/O API and Practice V3 module interface access.
9. Practice interwork between Voce recognition module and PWM motor.
Preceding Conditions and Succeeding Courses
Preceding Conditions
□ Familiar with the Windows environment for a PC (essential)
□ Familiar with C programs (essential)
Succeeding Courses
□ None
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